Stinky Socks - Class leader or smelly feet?
To be honest socks are a pretty popular spinoff product these days amongst skate deck brands. Each brand placing their logo and iconic graphics on a sock and waiting for the cash to roll in..... well maybe. So why is there a trend. In my opinion, the skate deck companies have seen the success of Stinky Socks and now are all jumping on the band wagon. Quite literally 1/2 of some deck brand catalogues for spring 2021 is dedicated to socks. Maybe decks are hard to make at the moment and socks have good production?
So this is a good thing right? Well, you would think so. We all have feet and need socks to suck up that access foot moisture, not to mention look cool with distinctive style. But as spring 2021 unfolds we will see more arrivals of socks from different brands into the Nordic Skateboard Supply webstore. We have ordered some cool looking stuff from a range of brands. But here is the elephant in the room. Will the skate deck brands be able to match the quality of a dedicated sock brand like Stinky Socks? While the jury is still out and the stock still arriving to the shop. What I can tell you is that I think Stinky Socks will come out on top for quality, design and price. Read our brief recommendation below and stay STINKY!!!!!
Nordic Skateboard Supply recommends this product. In our opinion these are the highest quality socks money can buy. This is not your average sock. The attention to manufacturing detail and quality is of the highest level. At the 119 sek price point this is a lot of sock for your money. At Nordic Skateboard Supply we only stock brands that meet or exceed our expectations. Check these out, they will be the best quality and coolest looking socks in your closet. 10/10 Recommended.