Battle of the super decks. Powell Peralta Flight Deck vs Almost Uber deck.
In the year 2020 we still don't have hoverboards like 'Back to the future'', thank Mickael J Fox for 30+ years of dissapointment. Jetpacks are still a little way off, but flatspots are becoming a thing of the past and now the unbreakable super light weight skateboard deck is here. Rejoice.
Almost skateboards is offering the Rodney Mullen designed Uber deck. A deck constructed of 7 veneer of canadian maple with a space age super foam insert Rodney describes as a board within a board. It is lighter without a doubt, but with the high price tag I didn't focus it to test the strength. This looks just like a regular 7 ply maple deck we all are familiar with. But when you feel the deck you know its something special. Dont take my word for it, this is what Rodney says.
Uber Light Construction
Uber Light has a deck inside a deck. The internal carbon fiber foam deck is ultra light and nearly as stiff as metal. It also vastly improves the lateral rigidity. It's lighter and has a supernatural pop that lasts far longer than normal decks.
Why its Better:
- Stronger than industry standard 7-ply.
- Strong pop.
- Long deck life.
Not to be outshined by Rodneys Uber product that has been on the market for many years now. Powell Peralta have brough the Flight Deck to market to fill the catagory of super deck and satisfy the need of board breakers or people who want a little extra and are prepared to pay for it.
The Powell Peralta Flight Deck does not look like a standard 7 veneer maple deck. It has 5 veneer that appear to be glued with epoxy resin. The top layer looks like carbon fiber in appearence and is described by Poweel Peralta as ''Fiber Glass and epoxy resin, fused with Airlam''. Sounds like a lot of double talk to market what I would describe as a 5 ply deck that includes layers of fiber glass, glued with epoxy resin and has a layer of black fiberglass/carbon fiber looking stuff glued on top.
Marketing buzzwords aside, the deck feels super light, is really thin ( see below photos ) and although I didn't focus it, I am guessing it's a lot stronger than an average deck.
Conclusion: I would ride either the Almost Uber deck or the Powell Peralta flight deck without hesitation. I can feel they are much lighter than regular decks and if they are as strong as they claim then this would be a good choice for the chronic board breakers out there. There is no clear winner in this battle, both products are exceptional and made to the highest quality standards. My personal choice would be the Almost Rodney Mullen Uber deck because it looks lke a regular deck, but is packing super powers under the hood. The Uber deck is the same thickness as a standard 7 ply maple deck we all ride, so I think the tail will wear a little longer than the flight deck before getting razor tail. CLICK HERE TO SHOP SUPER DECKS at NORDIC SKATEBOARD SUPPLY